Das Anfechten extremer Wahrheitsansprüche: Wie man mit monistischen Denkern über die offene, pluralistische Gesellschaft deliberiert

Stellen wir uns vor, wir haben es mit einer Person mit einer eher monistischen Denkweise zu tun. Diese Person glaubt, … Continue ReadingDas Anfechten extremer Wahrheitsansprüche: Wie man mit monistischen Denkern über die offene, pluralistische Gesellschaft deliberiert

Challenging extreme claims for truth: How to deliberate the open, pluralist society with monist thinkers

Imagine we are dealing with a person with a rather monistic mindset, thus believing, assuming or hoping that all questions … Continue ReadingChallenging extreme claims for truth: How to deliberate the open, pluralist society with monist thinkers

How to deliberate fundamental values? Notes from Brandenburg on our approach.

People hardly ever change their mind. The more they feel forced to justify themselves, the more they feel questioned, criticized, … Continue ReadingHow to deliberate fundamental values? Notes from Brandenburg on our approach.

Deliberation Against Populism: Reconnecting Radicalizing Citizens In East Germany & Elsewhere

In the deliberative project “Deliberation against Populism” Social Science Works organized two events with citizens from Brandenburg, Germany, to discuss … Continue ReadingDeliberation Against Populism: Reconnecting Radicalizing Citizens In East Germany & Elsewhere

Taking people seriously: a new approach for countering populism and furthering integration

In our deliberative democracy and integration projects[i] we treat our participants – natives as well as migrants – as citizens, … Continue ReadingTaking people seriously: a new approach for countering populism and furthering integration