Brent Pickett, American Political Science Review, Vol.92, No.3, 1998. p.675. click here: Rec_Freedom_Pickett
The Dutch original of this book, Wegen naar Vrijheid: Autonomie, Emancipatie en Cultuur in de Westerse Wereld (Amsterdam: Boom, 1991 and 1995) was reviewed 19 times in Belgian and Dutch journals, weeklies and newspapers. These reviews can be read here. The Dutch language is easy to learn; in Holland, children of three years old manage to do so. Nevertheless, for those who refuse to invest in their Dutch skills, some of the reviews in English translation can be found here. The discrepancy in interest between the Dutch and English speaking world in the topic might partly be explained by the fact that the English publisher for many years only made an extraordinary expensive hardback available. This hampered a larger readership. Since 2016, nineteen years after its first publication, though, a paperback and E-book version are on the market.